Tuesday, April 13, 2021

it used to be a market

It used to be a high volume market. Muthafuckers moving, asking, seeing hide-lookimg. Elegant muthafuckers. Pretty ladies, poised walking upright. Dancers. Im at Lincoln plaza cinemas. Where I used ti watch French films, Art films... But they're closed down. Fuckin a Lincoln plaza cinemas is closed. I got my big trays from the Lincoln center photographer. His widow saw me on park west
 Donated them. That's how I was able to start selling more expensive pieces. But today I didn't even have a conversation. I wonder how galleries are fairing?
The diner... Maybe I'll take a walk to the next block. 
I forgot I used to sell there. Wonder if the folk museum is still there.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Displays are good. No money though

 Selling yesterday, I hardly had any lookers.  I was pretty much the only one out there.  I should be upset about it, but the work looked good.  The displays were good too.  I don't need those wings on teh outside.  I could use handles, but they're not necessary. Could probably put some protection on the wood. The work stays straight, but I spent most of my time in the truck.  Kind of bashful. But for no reason.  Also need to take the plastic off the frames.  Bring a duster and some cleaner with me.  Probably something to sweep the sidewalk.  Even with wind the work looks good.

languorous is beautiful.  The quand meme series, the looking glass series, need to be large.  They don't need so much mat.  They're not known and precious, they're bold.  I need to get danse aux fleurs outo nt eh street.  Maybe vertical, and it needs an arch.

I need a chair though

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Out selling in Soho

I just set up here, and while I've only been out a few minutes, the look rate is very low. The glance rate. It works it works. Still have to take the plastic off the plexiglass.
Decent foot traffic.
Bad news on the car though, the mechanic called, and said it would be best to get a new car. The engine could be replaced, I'm a see if it's possible for what the cost is to replace the camshaft.
Nice babes, but all the same, not what it used to be. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

built the displays

 I copped a dramatically better mat cutter situation.  I'm going to put these that I have on the displays.  I finished building the displays, and painting them.  I'm not satisfied with the paint job.  I mottled it, but used to thick an application of paint. but Whatever, I can revise them later

right so, I need to clean up the work spaces and examine the pics I have.  Really, I should re-frame them.  Re-mat them.

Place needs to be cleaned up though.  Also have to consider where I'll be selling.  I have more frames coming today.  What'd be great is if they get here before I go out.

I want to put 'palmetto' in a frame and photograph it, work it and print it.  Be great on the display.  Sometimes picture go on the display just as support for the exhibit.

So yes, where would I sell?  If I go over my previous places, I could sell at Metropolitan Museum, Lincoln Center, Soho, Central Park West... I may have sold around MOMA, but it was too crowded.  However, I'm not against it.

I put them up in the garage.  Boy this paint job sucks, but it's the first layer.  I'll throw something darker.  Just have to remember to mix it with a lot of water.

Another thing, I should probably print little pieces of paper with info on them, title, year, provenance to put on the display, as well as something that could display title, year etc. on the rear the picture that I could tape on the back.

As I put up the pics here in the garage, I'm waiting for Amazon

Languorous is special.

Tried to remat oldalisque, but fucked it up. Feel like I'm stalling.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

mat issues

 Working on the mats.  I can't get that crap mat cutter to cut corners right.  I just, after two days got it to cut straight lines.  There were no instructions.  

I can put some plaster of paris in the corners, and maybe file it straight, then spray paint it.  
Textured mats are a thing.

“I had to let go of my own standards to try to support myself through this tough period,”

I've found that mixing plaster of paris with white paint is the best.

More practice on the east side of the moraine

 Did some more practice with the equipment. On a bright stone on the softer slope of the terminal moraine, -on the east side of the lake. A ...