Thursday, October 22, 2020

Items for framing

 I picked up a couple of frames from Ikea.  It may be the cheapest way to handle the frame thing, but I still need to have the ability to make the frames.

-Brad Setter, to put the brads in the corners of the frames.

Corner protectors

corner clamp

I could use a clamps as brad setters. just pull the rubber grip off one end, and leave it on the other, so as not to mess up the frame.

I could also use glass from home depot or lowes. 

Furring strips, cut out the core

Monday, October 19, 2020

site to do

 To do on site

I have to link the category pictures with the product pages

remove reviews. I had reviews disabled on my site, and when I logged in, it was reenabled, with a required upgrade to disable.  Can this be redisabled since it was already disabled before the upgrade requirement?

The pages have 'feature 6' beneath the products images, where the frame detail pictures are.  How do I change this to 'Frames'

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Framing, mating

 The site is still up, but i haven't had any visitors

I want to make sure all of the product skus, if this is important, are coordinated

I want to make sure the prices for each of the products is accurate

Street selling

Gold Paint
Sand paper
Black Paint
Wood Glue

I'm looking at the IKEA frames, and it may make more sense for me to focus on the picture, rather than making the frames.  It's cheaper to use ikea frames
I can also check with MCS, which is the frame company I used to use.
So I can get the IKEA frames, and start selling almost immediately, if I use their mats, which come with the frames. Otherwise, I can go with the lowes plywood sheets.
Ofcourse I'll still need the stands. 
MCS Frame wholesale

Street, glass, website

For selling on the street, I still don't have a real good bead on the glass.  Where I'm going to get the glass to sell.  I still haven't called mts, which is going to be my only real option.

For the site, I haven't checked it out in a few weeks. I also haven't reviewed what it is I'm expecting from it.  I did register the domain, fixed the samples, but I'm not sure if it's being viewed.  I'll have to 

-go to the site, to see if it's getting any pageviews

Friday, October 16, 2020

Wood Mats and frames

 I'm liking the idea of wood frames, for selling on the street.  Primarly because it's cheaper, and I can cut shapes.  Not sure how it will turn out, but at $15 a sheet, plus shellac, plus a goldleaf type core.  It has the possibility of being nice.

I could also wash the surface, with a light acrylic or water based paint. for transparent color, in addition to the traditional shellacs.

still hard to get a bead on glass sheets. Going to have to call a manufacturer.  MTS may have glass sheets

And Frankly, I could make the frames for storage.  Just may be cheaper, and less trouble.  Grab some moulding. Be great if I could find a deal. But of course, I can furrow some furring strips.  Where to get glass?

More practice on the east side of the moraine

 Did some more practice with the equipment. On a bright stone on the softer slope of the terminal moraine, -on the east side of the lake. A ...