Sunday, July 25, 2021

other quand meme narratives

 I'm listening to madvillain, and it occurs to me that I don't have to be limited, in the scope or narrative of a quand meme, to nudes.  I can build a narrative off of random events.

In fact I was thinking of when he says, '500 just layin in the street.  Shit, I just wanted something to eat…'

Or something to that effect.

Using archival footage, not unlike moby or a rap producer uses samples. 

I suppose in this respect, the image of the boy and the horse can work, in 'while the night taper burns'

 However, I am trying to make perfect pieces.

Speaking of things, I need to work on my site.  

The thing about the boy and the horse, in while the night taper burns, is that the threshold. I like the idea of the outline, like the scrub away of the girl's shoulder i did for the soho girls,  back in 98 or whenever it was, but

Saturday, July 17, 2021


 I was browsing and came across a technique used by leonardo da vinci called sfumato. This should be, or else some approach similar could be used in 'the last night drive' where I'm trying to place the model in the event.  Her edges are giving me problems


The technique is a fine shading meant to produce a soft transition between colours and tones, in order to achieve a more believable image. It is most often used by making subtle gradations that do not include lines or borders, from areas of light to areas of dark. The technique was used not only to give an elusive and illusionistic rendering of the human face, but also to create rich atmospheric effects. Leonardo da Vinci described the technique as blending colours, without the use of lines or borders "in the manner of smoke"

also, aeriel perspective.  Anbother technique another technique he used in the mona lisa. is the setting of the horizon.  In the mona lisa, he placed it at eye level, which adds to the provocative nature

Thursday, July 1, 2021

nightbloom faery

 Going to do some more work from this branch.  I like the sky, the foam and the sparkles.  I need a bit more work on the girl.  Want to surround the image in waves


More practice on the east side of the moraine

 Did some more practice with the equipment. On a bright stone on the softer slope of the terminal moraine, -on the east side of the lake. A ...