Saturday, April 2, 2022

quand meme notes gem

 quand meme may also serve as an expression of a gemstone, in it's facets

cyanotypes, fairies, miniatures


 I wrote in my journal that I could use cyanotypes to create the 'fairies' in the collages.  The quand meme series particularly.  As I understand that series, as well as la fenetre, or the looking glass subseries with 'liebling' and 'mogador' there seems to be a road theme, as there is in all my work, and I've been thinking of ways to express this, such as using light reflected from the pavement, isolating it as a shape in the crystal of the quand meme.

the fairy is something I've been developing.   the print made by natural light maybe better than I can get


Also, what about making the images miniature?  3x5.  It places an emphasis on clarity.  It brings the shadow and depth work to the foreground.  the 'fairies' would look more like fairies too.

Also been thinking about some infrared

More practice on the east side of the moraine

 Did some more practice with the equipment. On a bright stone on the softer slope of the terminal moraine, -on the east side of the lake. A ...